Friday, November 12, 2010


While I'm keeping my mustache in check, I believe that Cam has let his grown in - not so much to support prostate cancer (which Movember is dedicated to) but because it's hunting season - well the end now, but still! So Cam has been gone 3 of the last 4 weeks hunting. One week of moose (no bodies) and deer (many casualities)! He had a great time and he's had great weather. Today is 13 degrees here! Pretty nice for November. However, it's not as nice as what the weather will be in Florida when I arrive in 1.5 sleeps!

I'm shipping out with Jenn to my parents place in Fort Myers and then on Monday my friend Cheryl is coming and then on Wednesday - Sara comes! The 4 of us will do some shopping, tanning and probably a bit of eating and drinking. No kids! This will both the first time that Sara and I are away from teh kids for a whole week! I will miss them for sure, but the bliss of having some alone time will be greatly appreciated!

So by now, most people have heard that Charlie was hospitalized last week (Nov 1-2). He had a nasty stomach bug that got out of control - he was admitted with gastroenteritis and dehydration. After 30 hours of IV fluids and careful montioring of his stomach and bowel sounds, he was released. I think the worst part of teh whole experience was when Charlie got his IV removed - not because of the needle, but because of the tape! He screamed bloody murder when the student nurse took all the tape off. I think I saw tears welling in her eyes!
I took Charlie to emergency at 8:30am, by 10:30 he had his IV and was waiting for the pediatrican to see him. The pediatrican admitted him immediately and while waiting to be transferred up - Charlie slept. My mom was with me which was a huge help - mostly to allow me to leave the room without feeling guilty. Cam arrived at 7pm and stayed the night with Charlie while I went home and showered, got food, etc.
I arrived back at 8am and Charlie was a different kid! By noon we were home and he was having a proper lunch. He dealt with some "runs" afterwards for about 4 days which kept him home from school for the whole week. He's back to normal now - thank goodness no one else got it!

So we have celebrated Sam's and Charlie's birthday since last update. Our computer finally got fixed so we will be able to upload pictures soon. We have been taking them - just slow to upload and share.


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