Friday, November 25, 2011

One month until Christmas!!

Today is November 25th - it will be Christmas in one month! I think I am more excited than the kids this year. Perhaps it's the new house that is bringing back some awesome Christmas memories or that I feel I have a handle on the shopping etc - either way, I'm pumped! I've been trying to deter the kids from watching too much tv - with all the commercials for new toys I was getting tired of hearing "I want that one - oh, I want that one too"! I remember being that excited but I would not have had a list as long as my arm like my kids do! I guess you are only 5 and 3 once right?

Some updates...we have been in the new house of almost 3 months now. We love it! The commute to work is nice and peaceful - no highway traffic to contend with. Charlie is loving his new school and is actually sad when he doesn't get to go. The boys are adjusting to their new daycare and Cam is so happy! He has some work to do with the basement. There was a flood when the storm drains were installed by the township so Cam has had to rip everything out of the basement and he will properly be installing new everything! Currently - there is cement floor and cement walls!

My parents are currently in Florida. Mom decided to join dad for a couple weeks. I will be picking her up from the airport on Tuesday. I'm excited for her to come home and help me start decorating the house for Christmas! We are going to have a full house this year. Besides The Evans' clan and my brother and his wife, the four of us will be there! It will be busy but amazing to be able to spend so much time together.

So besides the excitment of Christmas I'm also daydreaming about my trip to Florida in February. The boys and I will be going down a couple days before Cam. Cam has to help execute an outage at work before he can join us. Hopefully it is on time - his flight is booked! LOL!! The last couple of mornings I've had to scrape ice off my car windows - while driving to work I dream about being in the car on the way to the beach. I like winter and spending time at the cottage however, nothing gets me more excited than the thought of hanging out at the pool or beach in Florida. I know the boys will have a great time this year too - my dad bought a golf cart! Gotta admit - I'm excited to drive around on it too!

Okay - here are some pictures from the last couple of months! Enjoy!