Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where has the time gone?

At the cottage thank you very much! It's been great! We have had so many fabulous vacation days at the cottage and the weather has been amazing - truly an awesome summer so far. Our house is stil for sale (boo) but we are moving anyway at the end of the month (yeah) - Charlie is to start school in Prince Albert in less than a month. New daycare, new school - hoping for a well adjusted kid - pretty exciting though!

So - we have been at the cottage, being horrible - not remembering to take lots of are a few though....Updates when we move to come!

Cam geared up for "Boys Camping Night"

Charlie showing off his jumping skills

Sam enjoying his nightly skinny dip

Making Mommy have a heart attack by sitting on the top of the jungle gym!

Nudey Tudes!