Monday, April 26, 2010

60 Hour work weeks and cottage time?

Cam has been so busy with the latest outage at work that he is working the 60 hours a week - the rest of us (boys and me) have been enjoying the cottage, and Cam when he can squeeze a day off. The weather is getting nice and the boys are pretty much able to spend all day outside at the cottage. We got our first taste of swarming black flies this past weekend and we have been warned that the next couple weeks they will start may hang around home for the next couple weeks! I can imagine how lucious and juicy my red-headed babe would be to the blood thirty savages! We have lots on the go right now. Starting in June I will be doing a part-time rotation with the Public Affairs manager at OPG. I will be working Wednesday to Friday until March of next year. I'm really excited to have some extra time off with the boys and get to spend some extra time at the cottage. Charlie starts JK in August so it will be a great time to be off with them. Cam's outage is on until the middle of July so he is hoping to take most of August will be a well deserved break for him indeed!

This weekend we are celebrating my dad's retirement with a friend's part at his golf club Wyndance! It should be a great night and he is looking forward to seeing some friends he hasn't seen in a while. Since my brother and I are already married, they don't get to plan big parties anymore - I think mom might be more excited than my dad (well maybe not...but they are both excited).

Here are some pictures of the boys from the past weekend at the cottage and a couple from "mornings with dad" - that would be from 6-8am when mommy gets to sleep in!

The view from our porch window at the cottage - gorgeous!

They are besties - best friends and best enemies - but mostly they are just adorable!

My "baby" is getting so big! 19 months on April 28!

They loved playing "superman" on the neighbour's jungle gym!

It's nice to see Sammy still looking small - he has to be next to his dad to see it, but he is still my baby!