Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some updates

October 1st

Okay okay – I know I always apologize for being so late and behind on my posts, but I genuinely have a good reason these days! At the beginning of September we (along with the Arnold’s and Theis’) bought a cottage! We have been very busy getting settled into our beautiful and near perfect new abode. I say near perfect, because even though we bought it “turn key” ready cottage, it seems that the boys are always busy doing something to improve the place. The first couple of weekends up there Scott and Cam spent all their time in the water clearing the shoreline and creating rock steps. The little men (Charlie, Andrew and Sam) have been having a great time exploring and playing on their new shoreline. They are communing in the basement bedroom and we hear them giggling and talking before bed – too precious! Cam has promised me he would update pictures so once they are here – check them out. We love the place – it’s large, open and airy. No drapes on the windows facing the water – how perfect?

I must admit that all the women of the cottage are going to end up fishing widows! The boys all love to go fishing. It’s so cute to see them all standing at the dock, casting in their lines. What’s especially cute is seeing Scott and Cam using the Buzz Lightyear and Diego rods! LOL! Scott is bound and determined to catch “General Sherman” – the biggest bugger of a fish living under the dock and generally making his life hell! Don’t worry Scott – you’ll bag him eventually – he will be full of your hooks and line, but you’ll get him!  Charlie loves to catch minnows and play with them and release them so that they can go have dinner with their mommies and daddies. Everyone is having a great time and we will be celebrating thanksgiving up there this year – it will be a good time.

Oh – so since we now have a family cottage- we sold the trailer. It was very bittersweet. We are mourning the loss of our camping lifestyle and our best camping buddies, but we hope that they will be able to park their rigs at the cottage and still hang out with us next summer! Hopefully we can acquire that boat that Cam keeps talking about and start the kids on the tubes next year – yaw hoo!

Charlie and I didn’t go the cottage last weekend – he had 2 birthday parties to attend – mister social butterfly! His friend Rebecca had her party at NEB’s fun world – he loved the bowling, pizza and go-carts – he was so tired afterwards I had to wake him up after a 2 hour nap to go out for dinner – sushi – his favourite and his request – twist my arm eh? Sunday was his best-friend Liam’s birthday party – they went to Tottenham to ride on an old diesel train engine. I dropped him off and his daycare lady Tracy took him in her van – she said he loved it so much he was practically vibrating with joy. I wish now that I had been there to witness it. He had a great time at his first party without me or Cam which is totally awesome.

So – my baby Sammy is one year old now. We celebrated his birthday on his actual birthday with 30 of our closest family and friends – and their kids! It was a packed house but it was great to have so many wonderful people there. We did the usual buffet fair and generally let the kids run wild. The timing wasn’t great though – a lot of people were kinda rushed after work but they got a good free meal on a Monday night – really, what more could you ask for. Sam had a great time! He loved crawling around and checking everything out. He got some great clothes, money for his college fund, books and his favourite – a ride on Caterpillar dump truck! All the boys were fighting over it – typical! I can’t believe how big my baby is now. He’s a toddler officially, but he will always be my little love. He is full of personality. He’s a comedian, he’s stubborn, he’s a daredevil and he’s a cuddle bug. I couldn’t ask for my children to be any better! Sam will be walking very soon and then it’s game over for me – I’ll be running to keep up with them both.

We have a lull for approximately a week, then its thanksgiving, Gigi’s birthday and then Charlie’s birthday. Just in the midst of planning that one now! Cam will update pictures later! I will post after our October festivities!

(Cam, Charlie and Sam)